Tag: boho beautiful

quoi de neuf – May, flowers and more mirthful musings

quoi de neuf – May, flowers and more mirthful musings

Bonjour! Welcome May! Yesterday I got my second shot đź’‰, so glad that’s over with, a great way to celebrate – May the Forth be with you! Otherwise, not much going on with me, just trying to spend every spare minute admiring all my beautiful 

Joyeux anniversaire Charlotte le Blog!

Joyeux anniversaire Charlotte le Blog!

Bonjour et merci for joining me on l’anniversaire of le blog! Today marks one year since I started this blog and my first post is still one of my very favorites. My first monday meditation said it all. The magical image, the quote from Philippians, 

How to practice what you preach – a monday meditation

How to practice what you preach – a monday meditation

monday morning cheers!meditate and motivatetime to be my best – charlotte le blog Bonjour! It’s been almost 6 months since my first blog post, this is my 61st post! I don’t think I’m benefiting as much as I should from my posts, because as soon 

monday meditation – you reap what you sow

monday meditation – you reap what you sow

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Bonjour and welcome to a monday meditation – you reap 

monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – patience

monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – patience

“Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid”  (“Little by little, the bird makes its nest.”) French Proverb Bonjour and bon lundi! I can’t believe it’s August already, time is still flying. I am getting back into my work routine, and it’s all good. I’m still 

monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – peace

monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – peace

“If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu My retreat is over. By the time you are reading this I 

Grateful for this monday meditation – appreciation and gratitude

Grateful for this monday meditation – appreciation and gratitude

“Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.” – Rumi Bonjour, TGIM! Something I never thought I would feel, let alone say, but I am thankful. I am grateful for each Monday that God gives me. Another Monday to 

quoi de neuf – buckwheat, jazz and a perfect sunshine day

quoi de neuf – buckwheat, jazz and a perfect sunshine day

Bonjour! We’ve been having a rainy week so far here in Ohio, I’ve been enjoying the cool misty mornings. Today we are having a break from the rain, it’s going to be a beautiful perfect day – sunny with a high of 75. Looks like 

mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation

mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation

“I Hate… … gaining two pounds every time I eat something delicious.” Older, But Better, But Older – Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas Mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation. Try saying that 5 times fast! I’m thinking about metabolism and aging this