monday meditation – why you should love seed bread

monday meditation – why you should love seed bread

“Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself.”

Ezekiel 4:9 NIV

seed sprout

Bonjour! One of the recipes included in the Goop Detox I did last week was for seed bread. Which got me thinking, is seed bread healthier? I’ve always loved Ezekiel Bread, which is a sprouted grain bread. I learned that, what you might think of as a grain, is really a seed. With proper moisture and warmth, whole grain seeds begin to sprout into a plant. Regular whole grains are actually just seeds harvested from an adult cereal plant. So, this leads us to today’s monday meditation – why you should love seed bread!

seed love

What’s so lovely about seed bread, or sprouted grain bread? Sprouting changes the nutritional profile of the grains, making their nutrients more readily available and easier to digest. So basically, the nutrients are increased. Also, the level of available antioxidants/polyphenols is increased. And what makes it so perfect for your detox diet, or any kind of diet? Less carbs, less gluten and more fiber!

Why else should you love seed bread? Many seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, chia and sesame, along with other ingredients you could include in your seed bread like almonds, pistachios(!), cashews and even buckwheat contain L-Tryptophan which is the perfect mood booster. Fun fact – 100 g of chia seeds has over 500 mg more tryptophan than 100 g of turkey! Seed bread is happy bread!

seed bread

So now to the recipes! Let’s start with the recipe that inspired this blog, the Grain-Free Seed Bread from the Goop Annual New Year Detox. I used Ezekiel Bread in place of, because I was short on time, but I plan on making it soon! Ma soeur on the other hand, made her own version, adding red lentils for extra protein and oats too. She said it was pretty tasty, and it looked good too!

Before the Goop detox was even published, I read about Emma Sawko’s (from Wild & the Moon!) Seed Bread and I was immediately intrigued. She spouts the seeds overnight – perfect!

While researching this blog, I came across a Buckwheat Chia Bread. You should know, I love buckwheat. This should be lovely aussi!

That’s it for another short, but sweet monday meditation – why you should love seed bread. Hope you learned something with me and I hope you’ll try one of these seedy recipes soon. Have a lovely week! À bientôt!

6 thoughts on “monday meditation – why you should love seed bread”

  • Très bonne information!!! 🤩 my brain is happy, just like Seed bread! 😁 must get better about sprouting for sure, so many benefits, and I cant wait to try Moons!

  • dearest charlotte, i remember growing “seeds” and i think you may been with me at wild oats grocery. we bought the seeds that we recognize and followed instructions….they were beautiful and strong, but alas, we fell in love with the sprouts, and they grew out of the jar. i loved being a mommie. argh. aspf–great blogg, and the sun is shinning. kiss.

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