Tag: quoi de neuf

Salut September – Vive la Rentrée!

Salut September – Vive la Rentrée!

Bonjour et salut September! Ça va mes amis? Long time no see! I’m back with new what’s new and inspired inspiration! I love the feeling of new energy September brings, the beginning of a new season. La rentrée! In France, la rentrée is a whole 

Quoi de neuf – C’est juillet!

Quoi de neuf – C’est juillet!

Bonjour and a happy July to you! It’s been awhile, non? I’m still working on a post all about motivation, but in the meantime I thought I’d get back into the hang of posting and share what’s new, what I’m up to so far this 

quoi de neuf – May, flowers and more mirthful musings

quoi de neuf – May, flowers and more mirthful musings

Bonjour! Welcome May! Yesterday I got my second shot 💉, so glad that’s over with, a great way to celebrate – May the Forth be with you! Otherwise, not much going on with me, just trying to spend every spare minute admiring all my beautiful 

Happy Friday and a lovely lunar new year!

Happy Friday and a lovely lunar new year!

Salut! TGIF! Today the new moon welcomes in the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Ox. Supposedly, the Year of the Ox will be a year of endurance. Here’s a great article about it from Pure Wow. Last year I was in NYC 

quoi de neuf – how to have a sweet February

quoi de neuf – how to have a sweet February

Salut février! We so enjoyed our crêpes last night, did you make yours? It was a beautiful sunny day here in Ohio, but Phil saw his shadow, so 6 more weeks of winter it will be! That Phil is such a cutie 🥰 And check 

happy crêpe day – a sweet monday meditation

happy crêpe day – a sweet monday meditation

Crêpe – A Haiku Sweet februaryA golden, délicieuse crêpe singsdelighting the heart Charlotte le Blog Bonjour! Welcome February! It may be cold but it’s sweet! Not just because of Valentines Day, did you know February 1st is National Dark Chocolate Day? February 5th is World 

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

Salut 2021! And welcome! January is kind of a slow, quiet time of year. Everyone is getting healthy, resting up from the holiday festivities. That is what I’m doing anyway. Enjoying low key evenings with husband and puppy. Puppy and I both have birthdays this 

A festive Friday in the city of light

A festive Friday in the city of light

Salut! Only 3 Friday’s left in 2020, the last one being Christmas! So today I’m dreaming of Paris in the Christmastime. On Wednesday’s quoi de neuf I mentioned how much I would love to have Yann Couvreur’s beautiful Bûche De Noël. What I wouldn’t do 

quoi de neuf – wishes for a whimsical December

quoi de neuf – wishes for a whimsical December

Salut et bienvenue decembre! We welcomed in December here in northern Ohio with a bang – an old fashioned snow storm ❄ Tis the season! Not really too much that’s new this month, with the Covid still running rampant. Still, I am enjoying the excuse 

Happy October – it’s a crisp new quoi de neuf!

Happy October – it’s a crisp new quoi de neuf!

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”  —F. Scott Fitzgerald Salut mes amis! Bonjour fall! I’ve said it before, I love the fall season. The weather is getting cooler and the leaves are starting to show their colors, just magical.