Tag: Paris

Happy 14 Juillet – it’s a Fête Friday!

Happy 14 Juillet – it’s a Fête Friday!

Salut et Joyeux 14 Juillet! Oui, I know it’s not the 14th yet, but its the Friday before so time to start celebrating! I have had my own little fête each year for Bastille Day for years now. If it falls on a work day, 

10+ ideas for summer inspiration – this is quoi de neuf

10+ ideas for summer inspiration – this is quoi de neuf

Bonjour! I’m getting back on track after the long holiday weekend. So much good food and good drinks. Too much – I went a little overboard for sure. Made the Blue Nachos 3 times😜. Today will be day 9 of Boho Beautiful Transform, that will 

5 absolutely fabulous film locations to see in Paris

5 absolutely fabulous film locations to see in Paris

Happy Friday tout le monde! Hope your week has been as beautiful as mine here in Ohio. Friday is my favorite day of the week. Even now, almost 13 weeks into my furlough, when the days are supposed to all blend together. It is full 

Chill and be happy with your life today – this is quoi de neuf

Chill and be happy with your life today – this is quoi de neuf

Bonjour! This has been a very chill week so far, I’ve been focusing on my meditation, yoga and journaling. Boules and fire pits. Admiring the deer and their babies. Feeling the healthy and loving it. Enjoying daily walks with Razzi and just being grateful for 

Foxy Friday

Foxy Friday

Bonjour Friday and bonjour foxes! I love Fridays and hey, guess what? I love foxes too! Almost as much as unicorns! One very early morning several years ago, I was taking Raz outside and there, just on the other side of the fence, was a 

friday fromage

friday fromage

Bonjour and bon vendredi à toi! This Friday I am thinking about fromage. I have to say, as much as I appreciate all the different varieties of cheese, brie is definitely my favorite. It was the first “real” french cheese I tried and fell in 

quoi de neuf encore

quoi de neuf encore

Bonjour and bienvenue! My 7th week of lock down and time is still flying. I am trying to do all the things I normally don’t have time to do but I’m not stressing if I don’t get to doing everything. I am still just grateful 

monday meditation

monday meditation

“Ce sont des femmes sur des îles: une grande solitude féminine, une solitude qui a l’air enchanté.” – Yannick Haenel, A mon seul désir Welcome to my monday meditation. I am thinking the end of the quarantine may be in sight. I don’t know when 

café au lait

café au lait

Happy Friday! Trying to decide if Fridays should be frenchie or foodie Friday. This post is both. I think my first favorite french fare was a simple bowl of café au lait.  It always seemed to me like the classic, perfect way to start a 

monday meditation

monday meditation

Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8 Bonjour