My Favorite Things – This is French Friday!

My Favorite Things – This is French Friday!

Salut et bienvenue to my favorite things – this is French Friday! For some Friday fun I thought I’d make a list of favorite things, of course with a French twist. These are the French things that make me smile. Maybe some things are obvious, others maybe not so much. But now you know me a little bit more!

Favorite French…


La Vie en Rose – mais oui. Have you heard this version though? Magnifique.


Macaron – specifically Pierre Herme’s Ispahan Macaron.  The flavors of lychee, rose and raspberry – it’s a dream come true. I always head straight to Pierre Herme on rue Bonaparte off of Blvd. St. Germain as soon as I’m in Paris.

Work of Art

The Raft of the MedusaThéodore Géricault – This is the first work of art that sent shivers up my spine. Yes, Monet’s Water Lilies will always hypnotize me, but I will never forget the first time I saw this.


“L’enfer, c’est les autres.

– Jean-Paul Sartre


Orangina! It reminds me of my first impression of France, before I ever went, Orangina was Paris. Now I have to find one, in the original glass bottle.


Oh – this is difficile. Ok, peut être pas. Kir Royale. I order Kir’s everywhere I go in Paris, but a Kir Royale with champagne is heavenly.

Piece of clothing

Definitely my Breton Stripe Shirt from Saint James. I ordered it straight from Saint James in Normandy years ago. I’ve fallen in love with it again and am wearing it weekly.


Le Petit Chateletby far.


Really? How do I choose? I love any movie set in Paris. Amelie, Paris Je t’aime, French Kiss? If I had to pick? French Kiss. Seriously, I’ve got every line memorized. I’m going to watch it right now.

Thing to do when first waking up

Café  au lait. Et un croissant, s’il vous plaît.

Time of day

L’heure bleu. Known as the “magic hour”, the beautiful shimmering twilight time between daytime and darkness. It can only be found in Paris.


Autumn. We celebrated our honeymoon there in April, but we were engaged there in the fall. I think its the perfect time to see Paris.


Hotel Notre Dame. It’s a beautiful hotel, in a perfect location. Everyone there has always treated us so well too. I highly recommend it.

Place to visit

Notre Dame Cathedral. To me it is the symbol of Paris, more than the Eiffel Tower. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty much a tie for me with La Tour, but on our last trip, since we were staying on Ile St. Louis, we got to see it every day. Each time it took my breath away. I think even if I saw it today, with all the scaffolding, it still would, and also fill me with hope.

So enough of my musings and daydreams. Tell me your favorites, French or otherwise, I look forward to hearing from you! I hope you have a beautiful weekend, live la vie en rose. À bientôt!

3 thoughts on “My Favorite Things – This is French Friday!”

  • Yay! c’était amusant! encore des choses à apprendre sur Sœur! and Grace Jones??! wow Charlotte!!me faire réfléchir… Hmmmm.. voici, dans le même ordre…..2 heures plus tard…hee
    *Enjoy the Silence-Depeche Mode
    *Creme Brulee
    *Kohler’s pig-Michael Sowa (si simple, mais je vois / sentir quelque chose de différent souvent)
    *”Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight”-Albert Schweitzer
    (le vôtre est sur place aussi!!!)
    *banana yoohoo (Il me manque!)
    * Woodford Manhatten, ‘perfect’, up, w 3 sundried cherries
    *Vintage Star Trek science officer uniform- (du spectacle orginal! $$$!!! Enchère)
    *Il Piatto-Portland OR (tristement fermé….snivel..) so amazing!! so perfect in every way!! wahhhh!
    *Secret of Roan Inish/Babe (c’est une cravate solide!) of course Star wars but thats a given, no?
    * “baking”..heehee no, picking a hairball out of my Dirty coconut Chai starts my day nicely!
    *Same as you darlin but in San Francisco (tellement mieux que votre Paris!..dont you stink eye me!)
    *..guess..(indice; il y a des citrouilles)
    *The Red Victorian-San Francisco (chanson thème cue de “Cats’)
    *camping in the woods of Custer, South Dakota (J’ai senti la vraie paix là-bas)
    OK!!! that was pretty challenging and fun! now this list could change depending on the dominant personality of the day…sorry so much ramble!!

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