monday meditation – how to motivate, musings & randomness

monday meditation – how to motivate, musings & randomness

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”

Wayne Dyer

Bonjour, it’s Monday again, and I’m feeling a little sad. My precious princess puppy Razzmatazz has bitten me for the first time. She is 13 and is becoming more confused and aggressive because of her doggie dementia, not to mention her arthritis. She didn’t mean to, I don’t think she even knows why she did it, but it’s put me in a little funk. I’m hoping the Lion’s Mane I bought will help her, and maybe a little CBD oil? I just want her to be peaceful in her little head. Me in mine too. So on to today’s short monday meditation – how to motivate, musings & randomness.


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Neibuhr

Focus on the good. Be present in the now. It comes up again and again in my posts, and it’s really the best advice. Joyce Meyer has another perfect devotional. Love your life and focus on the good things. Don’t forget to pray.


Edina: ‘Would you like a bit of Bolly, sweetie?’
Patsy: ‘Just a smidge…’

Absolutely Fabulous

Nothing cheers me up as much as AbFab and a little champagne along with wouldn’t hurt either! Maybe that’s what I need – an AbFab diet this week! Actually I already started watching over the weekend, the 1st episode is just the best, so many great one-liners.

I know what you’re feeling, darling, but really, I don’t even care…’ – Patsy Stone


You just do it. Force yourself to get up. You force yourself to put one foot before the other, and damn it, you refuse to let it get to you. You fight. Cry. You curse. Then you go about the business of living. That’s how I’ve done it. There’s no other way.”

Elizabeth Taylor

I came across this article, 30 Journal Prompts to Start Your Day Feeling Inspired, I need to make time for these short prompts in the morning (along with the yoga and meditation and peloton 🙄) Ugh, sometimes it’s just too much, but I have to remember, just do it. Channeling GP

Along with the AbFab diet, I think I’ll focus on a sweet potato diet too this week for some comfort, joy and health. How good would these Sweet Potato Fries from Gimme Some Oven be with some champers? Look what I just found – Absolutely Champers! I didn’t even know this existed – Fabulous!

That’s it for today’s monday meditation – how to motivate, musings & randomness. I’ll end with a prayer from Saint Francis of Assisi, for our Animal Friends. This can be made a Novena for a sick pet, by praying this prayer for 9 consecutive days. If you’re reading this will you pray with me? Merci and à bientôt.


Heavenly Father, our human ties with our friends of other species is wonderful and special gift from You. We now ask You to grant our special animal companions your Fatherly care and healing power to take away any suffering they have. Give us, their human friends, new understanding of our responsibilities to these creatures of Yours. They have trust in us as we have in You; our souls and theirs are on this earth together to give one another friendship, affection, and caring. Take our heartfelt prayers and fill Your ill or suffering animals with healing Light and strength to overcome whatever weakness of body they have.

Your goodness is turned upon every living thing and Your grace flows to all Your creatures. From our souls to theirs goodness flows, touching each of us with the reflection of Your love. Grant to our special animal companions long and healthy lives. Give them good relationships with us, and if You see fit to take them from us, help us to understand that they are not gone from us, but only drawing closer to You. Grant our prayer through the intercession of good St. Francis of Assisi, who honored You through all Your creatures. Give him the power to watch over our animal friends until they are safely with You in eternity, where we someday hope to join them in giving You honor forever.


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