Tag: Moist January

How to do Pizza Friday – the healthy way

How to do Pizza Friday – the healthy way

Salut! Bonjour! And happy Pizza Friday! Like everyone else I’m doing the healthy thing for the new year. Moist January, the Goop Annual Detox, Wild & the Moon recipes and a 14 day Boho Beautiful Yoga and Meditation Journey. And most likely like everyone else, 

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

Salut 2021! And welcome! January is kind of a slow, quiet time of year. Everyone is getting healthy, resting up from the holiday festivities. That is what I’m doing anyway. Enjoying low key evenings with husband and puppy. Puppy and I both have birthdays this 

monday meditation – a new year, a new beginning

monday meditation – a new year, a new beginning

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”  T.S. Eliot Bonjour! Joyeux premier Monday of 2021! It looks so strange, 2021, like science fiction. Kind of like