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quoi de neuf – wishes for a whimsical December

quoi de neuf – wishes for a whimsical December

Salut et bienvenue decembre! We welcomed in December here in northern Ohio with a bang – an old fashioned snow storm ❄ Tis the season! Not really too much that’s new this month, with the Covid still running rampant. Still, I am enjoying the excuse 

monday meditation – trust in the Lord and wait patiently

monday meditation – trust in the Lord and wait patiently

Bonjour! I didn’t plan on writing a blog post today, I was too busy enjoying my holiday and I was also out of inspiration. Then I read my bible yesterday. Specifically Hebrews 5 and Psalm 37. The minister at a church we used to go 

Happy Friday – it’s time to trim the tree!

Happy Friday – it’s time to trim the tree!

Salut! Joyeux Friday! Hope you are all enjoyed your Thanksgiving and the leftovers this weekend – I know we are! Loving this lazy day off work, feeling so cozy and festive! I thought I’d share with you how I’ll be spending the day, including some 

monday meditation – give thanks, love and happiness

monday meditation – give thanks, love and happiness

You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. Robert Louis Stevenson Bonjour! Happy Monday! Especially happy because it’s the beginning of a short 3 day work week for me. Thanksgiving is coming up and of course the day after is black 

Charming cardamom recipes for a cozy & happy Friday

Charming cardamom recipes for a cozy & happy Friday

Salut et joyeux Friday! Thanksgiving is coming up fast but I’m not doing a post of Thanksgiving recipes. There are so many out there and everyone has their own favorites and traditions (we will again be doing White Castle Dressing😋). Cardamom is a holiday flavor 

Perfect day in Paris – trip of a lifetime part III

Perfect day in Paris – trip of a lifetime part III

Salut and happy Friday! I’m doing a little daydreaming, as usual, of Paris. In honor of my mom’s birthday this weekend 🎉, I thought a dream itinerary in Paris with her is in order. Goop even has a guide for that, mais oui. Here is 

monday meditation – laughter is the best medicine

monday meditation – laughter is the best medicine

I will look for the flowers by the side of the road; I’ll laugh and love and be strong. I will try to lighten another’s load this day as I fare along. Mary S. Edgar Bonjour! Happy Monday 🙃 With all the things going on 

It’s flashback Friday – a list of my favorite posted recipes

It’s flashback Friday – a list of my favorite posted recipes

Salut et Bonjour Friday! It’s going to be a glorious weekend here in Ohio and I am going to spend every minute I can outside. I was thinking I don’t have an index of all my recipes here at Charlotte le Blog, something I’ll work 

What’s up November – how to be light & more loving kindness!

What’s up November – how to be light & more loving kindness!

Bonjour! Quoi de neuf mes amies? I seriously can’t believe it is novembre already – 2020, tu es fou! And snow already! Of course its supposed to be 70 this weekend 🙄 – love you Ohio! I’ve got all kinds of beautiful tulip bulbs to 

how to CBD and chill – a monday meditation

how to CBD and chill – a monday meditation

“You don’t need another inspirational quote, you just need CBD.” – Unknown Bonjour! A new week and a new month begins! Razzmatazz inspired me to meditate on the benefits of CBD. Researching how I could help her with her senior dog problems, I found so