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5 absolutely fabulous film locations to see in Paris

5 absolutely fabulous film locations to see in Paris

Happy Friday tout le monde! Hope your week has been as beautiful as mine here in Ohio. Friday is my favorite day of the week. Even now, almost 13 weeks into my furlough, when the days are supposed to all blend together. It is full 

Chill and be happy with your life today – this is quoi de neuf

Chill and be happy with your life today – this is quoi de neuf

Bonjour! This has been a very chill week so far, I’ve been focusing on my meditation, yoga and journaling. Boules and fire pits. Admiring the deer and their babies. Feeling the healthy and loving it. Enjoying daily walks with Razzi and just being grateful for 

monday meditation – how to journal, script and manifest happy

monday meditation – how to journal, script and manifest happy

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” Dalai Lama Happy Monday! Happy and Monday have never really seemed to go together. The end of a short weekend and beginning of a long work week (normally). Now it’s different. The beginning 

5 Selected Recipes from French Cookbooks that I Love

5 Selected Recipes from French Cookbooks that I Love

Salut and Happy frenchy foodie Friday! My Friday posts either involve food or France or both, because I love a good theme and yay, or should I say hourra, this one is both! I have so many French or Paris inspired cookbooks. It’s so easy 

Meditations, mocktails and more – this is quoi de neuf!

Meditations, mocktails and more – this is quoi de neuf!

Bonjour and welcome to Wednesday. I’ve got all kinds of fun and exciting things going on this week. Even though I’m still on furlough, so not working, I feel there are still not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do. 

regenerative agriculture and what we can do

regenerative agriculture and what we can do

“Nature is all abundant…Nature suggests hope, joy, abundance, belief, regeneration, allowance, sharing, love, beauty and acceptance.”― Sanchita Pandey, Lessons from My Garden Welcome to my weekly Monday meditation – right now I am meditating on regenerative agriculture. I have been studying the book Food Fix by Mark 

How to have a Perfect Parisian Friday in NYC

How to have a Perfect Parisian Friday in NYC

Bon vendredi à tous! This past January I celebrated my birthday in New York City. It was an awesome trip of course. I mentioned previously that we visited the Chelsea Market, and got to eat at the magnificent Miznon. But what made this trip really 

monday meditation – perfection

monday meditation – perfection

“I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God’s business.” ― Michael J. Fox Bonjour et bienvenue to monday meditation – perfection. I just uploaded a trial of the Noom app and it has been pretty inspiring so 

Paris Pizza Friday

Paris Pizza Friday

Bonjour and happy Paris Pizza Friday! I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have pizza on a Friday evening. Growing up we had pizza Friday’s. I remember at Aunt Patty’s we would have Doritos with Velveeta cheese melted on top and Donato’s pizza – 

quoi de neuf – rien

quoi de neuf – rien

Bienvenue! I hope you had a good holiday weekend. I didn’t do much besides eat and drink. Eat and drink very well. I’m sure I need a detox, but I don’t see it happening this week. Anyway, I’ve been doing some planting/gardening, watching my peonies