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It’s a happy foodie Friday with magical gazpacho!

It’s a happy foodie Friday with magical gazpacho!

Happy Friday! All Fridays are happy, but especially furlough Fridays. I truly do thank God – TGIF – for each one! It’s a beautiful Friday morning here in Ohio, just perfect. Last week I promised the Most Magical Watermelon Recipe Ever, and here it is! 

monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – love

monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – love

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 Bonjour! We all know, the greatest of these is love. Love makes the world go round. Love conquers all, and love is all you need. 

Happy 14 Juillet – it’s a Fête Friday!

Happy 14 Juillet – it’s a Fête Friday!

Salut et Joyeux 14 Juillet! Oui, I know it’s not the 14th yet, but its the Friday before so time to start celebrating! I have had my own little fête each year for Bastille Day for years now. If it falls on a work day, 

10+ ideas for summer inspiration – this is quoi de neuf

10+ ideas for summer inspiration – this is quoi de neuf

Bonjour! I’m getting back on track after the long holiday weekend. So much good food and good drinks. Too much – I went a little overboard for sure. Made the Blue Nachos 3 times😜. Today will be day 9 of Boho Beautiful Transform, that will 

Red, White, Blue – It’s a Festive Foodie Friday!

Red, White, Blue – It’s a Festive Foodie Friday!

Salut! Happy Friday and happy 4th weekend! I always think of food first for the holidays and July 4th is no exception being the best summer holiday. Even though I’m going to try and be healthy, this weekend is going to do nothing good for 

Happy July – a short and sweet summertime post!

Happy July – a short and sweet summertime post!

Bienvenue Juillet! It’s the halfway point of the summer, halfway through the year, and what a year it’s been, non? My week has been continuing as usual, working out with Boho, hanging out with puppa, enjoying healthy food. The holiday weekend isn’t going to be 

Grateful for this monday meditation – appreciation and gratitude

Grateful for this monday meditation – appreciation and gratitude

“Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.” – Rumi Bonjour, TGIM! Something I never thought I would feel, let alone say, but I am thankful. I am grateful for each Monday that God gives me. Another Monday to 

My Favorite Things – This is French Friday!

My Favorite Things – This is French Friday!

Salut et bienvenue to my favorite things – this is French Friday! For some Friday fun I thought I’d make a list of favorite things, of course with a French twist. These are the French things that make me smile. Maybe some things are obvious, 

quoi de neuf – buckwheat, jazz and a perfect sunshine day

quoi de neuf – buckwheat, jazz and a perfect sunshine day

Bonjour! We’ve been having a rainy week so far here in Ohio, I’ve been enjoying the cool misty mornings. Today we are having a break from the rain, it’s going to be a beautiful perfect day – sunny with a high of 75. Looks like 

mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation

mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation

“I Hate… … gaining two pounds every time I eat something delicious.” Older, But Better, But Older – Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas Mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation. Try saying that 5 times fast! I’m thinking about metabolism and aging this