monday meditation – a new year, a new beginning

monday meditation – a new year, a new beginning

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” 

T.S. Eliot

Bonjour! Joyeux premier Monday of 2021! It looks so strange, 2021, like science fiction. Kind of like what 2020 was like, non? Even though I’m excited about this new year full of hope and promise, I’m a little melancholy too. Maybe it’s because I had to take down my beautiful Christmas tree yesterday? Or maybe it’s just that 2020 was a good year to me. It started out with a perfectly awesome birthday trip to NYC. In between the beginning and end of the year I had four blissful months at home, with my puppy. So, anyway, here is a short post of my new year musings – welcome to my monday meditation – a new year, a new beginning.

last year’s words

The beginning of the year is also the time to look back at what I have been grateful for over the past year. I started this blog! I’ve learned so much from it. I will be looking back, reading and studying my past blog posts this week for sure. I think looking back with gratitude helps you let go, of the negativity, the things that didn’t work out, the losses, the disappointments. So now you can move forward, with all the blessings and lessons you have learned, and make a new beginning.


I know it seems cliché, but January is going to be a new beginning, a new me. It’s going to be a dry January, cliché aussi, I know. Well, no more liquor at least. Let’s just call it Moist January. Maybe just one nice glass of red wine on Sundays with dinner. You know, to “stave off the Sunday evening blues“? A return to Mocktail Mondays! Also downloading the Try Dry app, every little bit helps!

I am looking forward to my Boho Yoga and Meditation Journey to start the year. I started the journey on Saturday. Of course the first day meditation mantra is “My decisions today define my tomorrow”. Cliche? Maybe. Truth? Definitely.

“So as you step forward into this day, into this month, into this year… When the challenges rear their heads as they always do, remember how truly powerful your heart and your soul is. So look into the mirror, look into your heart and accept your power. You are an alchemist of your own future. Always stronger than you’ve ever thought. Here to conquer this incredible life in every way you can conceive.”

Boho Beautiful

more cliché

And for the biggest cliché? Detox time! Not just alcohol, but my diet too. I’m so glad I decided to splurge on the Wild Recipes: Plant-Based, Organic, Gluten-Free, Delicious, one for me and one for la sister. It is such a great book, Emma and Wild and the Moon have been so inspiring to me. I actually can’t wait to eat super healthy again!

“I listen carefully to my emotions, my desires, my needs, and my impulses. I work on myself, accepting my ups and my downs, and I try to be my own best ally. I encourage myself, accept my limits and most importantly, I do not try to be perfect. Being compassionate with myself is a long-term project – an enormous challenge, as tough as it is liberating.”

Emma Sawko, Wild Recipes

make a beginning

My intention for this new year is to move forward with love. To focus on Jesus. To be mindful, present, deliberate. I will walk, talk and live beautifully. No laziness allowed. I will do what I need to do, for me, for my family, with love, kindness and joy.

So thank you for joining me on my monday meditation – a new year, a new beginning – 2021 style! My wish for you, my prayer, is that this new year will be filled with love, wonder, strength, compassion, knowledge and growth – may you shine! À bientôt!

“In a way, 2021 is a mysterious crème brûlée: the flavor is yet to be discovered, but on January 1 the sugar will be glistening and ready to be cracked open. Grab a spoon.”

Raven Smith – in this brilliant article on

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