quoi de neuf – May, flowers and more mirthful musings

quoi de neuf – May, flowers and more mirthful musings

Bonjour! Welcome May! Yesterday I got my second shot 💉, so glad that’s over with, a great way to celebrate – May the Forth be with you! Otherwise, not much going on with me, just trying to spend every spare minute admiring all my beautiful 

TGIF – happy French Friday, Paris please!

TGIF – happy French Friday, Paris please!

Salut! This Friday I’ve got nothing really, nothing to write about that is. I’ve already written about heaven and earth, the moon and the stars. The family – ma sœur, husband, mom and princess puppy. Pizza, pizza, pizza. Paris, Paris, always Paris… le sigh. So 

happy crêpe day – a sweet monday meditation

happy crêpe day – a sweet monday meditation

Crêpe – A Haiku Sweet februaryA golden, délicieuse crêpe singsdelighting the heart Charlotte le Blog Bonjour! Welcome February! It may be cold but it’s sweet! Not just because of Valentines Day, did you know February 1st is National Dark Chocolate Day? February 5th is World 

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

Salut 2021! And welcome! January is kind of a slow, quiet time of year. Everyone is getting healthy, resting up from the holiday festivities. That is what I’m doing anyway. Enjoying low key evenings with husband and puppy. Puppy and I both have birthdays this 

monday meditation – give thanks, love and happiness

monday meditation – give thanks, love and happiness

You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. Robert Louis Stevenson Bonjour! Happy Monday! Especially happy because it’s the beginning of a short 3 day work week for me. Thanksgiving is coming up and of course the day after is black 

Charming cardamom recipes for a cozy & happy Friday

Charming cardamom recipes for a cozy & happy Friday

Salut et joyeux Friday! Thanksgiving is coming up fast but I’m not doing a post of Thanksgiving recipes. There are so many out there and everyone has their own favorites and traditions (we will again be doing White Castle Dressing😋). Cardamom is a holiday flavor 

What’s up November – how to be light & more loving kindness!

What’s up November – how to be light & more loving kindness!

Bonjour! Quoi de neuf mes amies? I seriously can’t believe it is novembre already – 2020, tu es fou! And snow already! Of course its supposed to be 70 this weekend 🙄 – love you Ohio! I’ve got all kinds of beautiful tulip bulbs to 

Hemp and Hippocrates – It’s a weed! It’s a plant! It’s a superfood!

Hemp and Hippocrates – It’s a weed! It’s a plant! It’s a superfood!

Happy Foodie Friday! Je suis la soeur (de Charlotte) and today I get to ramble about some of the things I love to eat that happen to be vegan and include, Hemp! The seeds and oil that is. Yes, it is from the same species 

Meditations, mocktails and more – this is quoi de neuf!

Meditations, mocktails and more – this is quoi de neuf!

Bonjour and welcome to Wednesday. I’ve got all kinds of fun and exciting things going on this week. Even though I’m still on furlough, so not working, I feel there are still not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do. 

regenerative agriculture and what we can do

regenerative agriculture and what we can do

“Nature is all abundant…Nature suggests hope, joy, abundance, belief, regeneration, allowance, sharing, love, beauty and acceptance.”― Sanchita Pandey, Lessons from My Garden Welcome to my weekly Monday meditation – right now I am meditating on regenerative agriculture. I have been studying the book Food Fix by Mark