Tag: meatless Monday

simple food – how to eat minimally and intuitively

simple food – how to eat minimally and intuitively

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan Bonjour and bienvenue to March and meditation Monday! When I think of my diet and try to motivate myself to be healthy, I always think of this quote from Michael Pollan. I think it is the 

Chill and be happy with your life today – this is quoi de neuf

Chill and be happy with your life today – this is quoi de neuf

Bonjour! This has been a very chill week so far, I’ve been focusing on my meditation, yoga and journaling. Boules and fire pits. Admiring the deer and their babies. Feeling the healthy and loving it. Enjoying daily walks with Razzi and just being grateful for 

monday meditation – planting, believing… and Audrey!

monday meditation – planting, believing… and Audrey!

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” — Audrey Hepburn Bonjour and bienvenue to monday meditation – planting, believing… and Audrey! I might be rambling a little again in this post because I’ve been a little busy working on the garden, and so