Tag: eat mindfully

simple food – how to eat minimally and intuitively

simple food – how to eat minimally and intuitively

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan Bonjour and bienvenue to March and meditation Monday! When I think of my diet and try to motivate myself to be healthy, I always think of this quote from Michael Pollan. I think it is the 

How to eat for health and beauty – the Parisian way

How to eat for health and beauty – the Parisian way

Bonjour! Another happy Friday! I just realized I haven’t talked about nutrition and French food even though dietetics was my major in college. Most of the recipes I’ve posted just happen to be healthy, but still. I have always been interested in how the Parisian 

mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation

mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation

“I Hate… … gaining two pounds every time I eat something delicious.” Older, But Better, But Older – Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas Mastering my metabolism – a motivated monday meditation. Try saying that 5 times fast! I’m thinking about metabolism and aging this