monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – patience

monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – patience

“Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid”  (“Little by little, the bird makes its nest.”)

French Proverb

Bonjour and bon lundi! I can’t believe it’s August already, time is still flying. I am getting back into my work routine, and it’s all good. I’m still figuring out how to fit in my yoga, Peloton, meditation and journaling in the mornings before I leave but I know I just have to patient with myself. Isn’t that a sweet French proverb? With patience and perseverance you will achieve your goal. Sounds so pretty in French. I found several other good proverbs about patience. Without further ado, here is my short monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – patience.

A türelem rózsát teremt.” (“Patience produces roses.“) Hungarian proverb

I had to show this in Hungarian because that it is part of who I am. It means good things come to those who wait. In this world of constant hustle, patience may seem weak. But sometimes patience is necessary to see results. When you’re ready to give up your yoga or meditation practice, or your French lessons 😜, etc. because you’re not seeing results fast enough, be patient with yourself. When you’re waiting to see God’s work in you, just be patient ma petite rose.

Patience attracts happiness; it brings near that which is far.” Swahili Proverb

This seems very similar to the Hungarian proverb above. If you patiently wait for something to come you will be happy, knowing it will be here eventually. Like when I knew I would perfect my macarons eventually, that made me happy.

Hot tempers cause arguments, but patience brings peace. Proverbs 15:18

This is one I am continuing to work on. I’ve always had somewhat of a temper, but I think I’m getting better. Of course meditation helps. But what really does the trick is being mindful and in the moment and to just breathe. And have you ever noticed, if someone is being hot tempered and you just keep your calm with them, and stay kind with your words, it’s impossible for them to stay angry? Something I aspire to being able to do someday, with a little more patience.

One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.” Chinese Proverb

Also very similar One minute of patience, ten years of peace.” a Greek proverb. Words for the wise, n’est pas? What you think and the actions you take today will define your tomorrow.

I’ll be starting out this Monday morning with a Boho Beautiful Patience workout. Here’s a pretty little patience meditation. And I can’t leave you without a nod to Patience by Guns N’ Roses. It really is a beautiful song. I hope you enjoyed my petit monday meditation on the fruit of the spirit – patience. And please join me Wednesday for August’s Quoi de neuf. À bientôt!

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