TGIF – happy French Friday, Paris please!

TGIF – happy French Friday, Paris please!

Salut! This Friday I’ve got nothing really, nothing to write about that is. I’ve already written about heaven and earth, the moon and the stars. The family – ma sÅ“ur, husband, mom and princess puppy. Pizza, pizza, pizza. Paris, Paris, always Paris… le sigh. So 

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

quoi de neuf – a happy new year!

Salut 2021! And welcome! January is kind of a slow, quiet time of year. Everyone is getting healthy, resting up from the holiday festivities. That is what I’m doing anyway. Enjoying low key evenings with husband and puppy. Puppy and I both have birthdays this 

monday meditation – give thanks, love and happiness

monday meditation – give thanks, love and happiness

You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. Robert Louis Stevenson Bonjour! Happy Monday! Especially happy because it’s the beginning of a short 3 day work week for me. Thanksgiving is coming up and of course the day after is black 

Charming cardamom recipes for a cozy & happy Friday

Charming cardamom recipes for a cozy & happy Friday

Salut et joyeux Friday! Thanksgiving is coming up fast but I’m not doing a post of Thanksgiving recipes. There are so many out there and everyone has their own favorites and traditions (we will again be doing White Castle Dressing😋). Cardamom is a holiday flavor